It was a special Supercat Show that took place in Rome last 11th and 12th November: not only because it celebrated its twenty-fifth edition, but because once again it allowed us to experience the passion that animates all cat lovers, from individual owners, to breeders, associations and professionals of the pet sector.
In a weekend so full of meetings, we welcomed thousands of people to the Oasy, ACANA, ORIJEN and Ever Clean stands, and for the first time we hosted Andrea Mancino, influencer author of the book “Come farsi addomesticare dal proprio gatto”. After the presentation on the main stage, Andrea signed the copies and met the visitors at the ACANA stand, together with his wonderful Mimas and Rea, who have long been big fans of ACANA dry and wet foods.
At the Oasy Stand we met hundreds of cat owners, to whom we presented the Oasy range, helping them to find the best food for their pets based on their specific needs and donating one of the most welcome gifts: the Oasy dry food for cats, in 300g format. We also discussed the main topics related to feline nutrition with breeders and veterinarians and explored the latest Oasy news for cats.